

How To Start A Fitness Blog In 6 Easy Steps

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The conventional methods of marketing are now dry as dust in the industry. Whether you work full-time in the fitness business or merely enjoy a similar pastime, you are probably aware of the commitment required to keep in perfect shape. Fortunately, turning your exercise regimens and weight reduction tips into some health and fitness blogs doesn't need quite as much effort. 

When it comes to developing a brand, blogging has become a "must." It gives your fitness business a way to engage with its readers, customers, partners, and other stakeholders via a direct channel of communication. It not only has many benefits for your business in terms of bringing more traffic to your website and generating more leads, but it also helps you catch your audience's attention, which is more essential than ever nowadays.

The current marketing strategies have given rise to a demand for health and fitness blogs. Although following certain steps while writing an exercise blog is essential to bear the desired outcome. Let us help you with these 6 must-follow steps before you start your own fitness blog.

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01. Ascertain the goal of your exercise blog

What motivated you to start a fitness blog? What is your ultimate objective? When embarking on a new journey, it's critical to start with the end in mind. If you're building a exercise blog to advertise your gym or personal training services, it'll be significantly different from a website intended just for a hobby. 

You must know the motive behind running a fitness blog on your website. You might wanna generate leads and traffic or you may simply want to keep your customers in the loop. SMART goals are certainly something you've heard about before. Do you, however, always follow the rule? The basic rule is that in order for objectives to be effective, they must be developed in a SMART manner. The acronym SMART represents a variety of things, but the core of the acronym is to set goals that are;






Make sure your goals affirm the above variety in order to drive a successful marketing plan for your health and fitness blogs. 

02. Pick your niche 

There's no denying that starting a fitness blog is exciting, but it's all too tempting to get carried away with the desire to get started as soon as possible. However, the early phases of beginning a fitness or exercise blog are frequently when things go wrong, so taking the time to conduct the required research and analysis is critical if you want your fitness blog to succeed. 

The majority of wannabe fitness bloggers make a mistake during the brainstorming stage by failing to select an acceptable niche for their site and instead opting for a topic like "fitness," which is far too broad. You may alternatively go with a general fitness blog, but this will be more difficult to expand and keep your followers engaged. On the other side, coming up with specific content topics to write about will be a lot easier. So, in order to make your health and fitness blogs successful, you must choose a specific niche within a certain field of health or fitness. Some of the fitness blog ideas are :

  • Health and Wellness
  • Fitness for beginners
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Personal Stories & Journey 
  • Clothing and equipment
  • Workout and Training advice
  • Nutrition Tips
  • Product update


03. Name your Blog 

Now spend some time figuring out a unique name for your blog that matches your niche and targets your audience. The fitness blog name should be creative enough to fascinate your readers. It is not an exaggeration to state that the name is one of the most crucial decisions you will make in your professional life. A potential buyer’s or client’s initial impression of you is typically based on name of the blog. It informs people who you are, what you do, and for whom you do it. Here are a few ideas on how you can name your blog:

  • Many fitness bloggers use their own names — Dame Kelly Holmes is one of the rare exceptions, and her popularity demonstrates that self-titled blogs may be successful.
  • You may also integrate your name with your profession in order to generate a fitness blog name. Sophie Hale's blog, Hale Coaching, is one example of a successful fitness blog that employs this strategy.
  • Another idea is to keep your fitness blog name after the service you provide. A title that conveys the value you can contribute. Joe Wicks, a well-known fitness instructor, TV host, and author employs this technique in his blog 'The Body Coach.'

After you've spent some time brainstorming fitness blog name and evaluate them for ease of spelling and length, double-check that your final choice is available by using Domain Search Tool to see whether it's been taken or not.

04. Find your target audience

One of the greatest ways to determine what sort of material to generate, how to structure it, and, ultimately, how to develop your following is to have a clear understanding of who will be reading your blog. Understanding your audience should be easier if you have a firm grasp of your niche.

Finding your target audience, the individuals who want to read your blog - is more complicated than just looking at statistics and demographics. It necessitates greater knowledge of who these individuals are and what they desire. When you create a blog, your target audience is the individuals to whom you are writing. Creating a persona of your ideal target audience member is one approach to better understand your audience. Generate a mock-up of the ideal individual you want to reach with your blog is essential in this approach.

Are you writing to fitness fanatics searching for a competitive advantage? Or are you blogging to encourage couch potatoes with tips on how to start a fitness journey? Consider who you want your readers to be, regardless of what your blog's main emphasis is, to define your tone and content requirements.

05. Pick a platform and hosting provider for your blog

You may start building your website now that you've established your blog concept. The first step is to get a domain name and hosting, as well as select the platform you'll be writing on. Use the services that are both cost-effective and simple to use. The domain name is the address that visitors will use to access your website (e.g. Your site's data is stored and handled on the hosting server. The name and hosting are generally purchased from the same vendor, with Bluehost and Wix being the most common.

Self-hosted sites and hosted sites are the two main types of website hosting for fitness bloggers in this industry. For the most part, self-hosting includes using a blogging platform such as and then paying a hosting firm. Your website data is stored on a server by that hosting company. The server connects and shows your site when someone puts your site URL into a web browser.

All-in-one blogging systems, on the other hand,  like Wix or are examples of hosted sites. You create the site using their blogging platform, and they then host it on their own servers. If you want to monetize your exercise blog, you'll want to utilize and host it yourself. When you self-host your website, you retain complete control over it and have additional options for inserting ads and personalizing it.

06. Create a content strategy for your blog

A good content strategy incorporates the content’s whole lifespan, from production to maintenance to publishing it. Know what your readers want from your health and fitness blogs and don't be scared to go beyond that.

You may use your blog to highlight certain health and fitness concerns that today's millennial audience is interested in. Another great example of content strategy is dedicating it to delivering valuable information to your readers who are in the middle of their fitness journey or are looking for inspiration on how to start fitness journey.

A blog content strategy ties your exercise blog to the goals and products of your organization. You must ensure that your blog material is planned and constant, rather than relying on a spontaneous creative thought.

That doesn’t mean that the process has to be difficult instead it’s quite the contrary. There are just three components to a successful blog content strategy:

  • Your target audience and the problems they are encountering.
  • Your product and how it solves their problems.
  • Your content, particularly the way your product ties your clients to their solutions.

Let us see what the market is writing about. Here’s a list of top 5 inspiring health and fitness blogs by some prominent fitness bloggers. We hope this list of fitness blog ideas would spark some ideas for your next blog article or blog series.

Top 5 Health & Fitness Blogs Ideas to get inspired

01. Mark’s Daily Apple

Mark's Daily Apple is one of the best health and fitness blogs on the internet since it contains all of the necessary components for a successful blog. The design is basic but unique and appealing to the eye. This blog successfully conveys what Mark stands for, with the goal of inspiring individuals to adopt a better, more fitness-oriented lifestyle. The content it presents is of exceptional quality.

02. Breaking Muscle

Breaking Muscle is a fantastic blog for all men who desire to be in shape — to "break a muscle," to put it that way. We feel it is an excellent example of how these sorts of bodybuilding blogs should look since it includes content that strongly promotes fitness and long workouts at the gym. It also contains a lot of valuable information, such as training and exercise blog entries and other ebooks.

03. Keep it Simpelle

Keep It Simpelle is a beautiful, modern blog that deserves to be on this list because of its appealing design and well-researched content. The stunning design is just a part of the bigger picture. The website also includes fantastic blog pieces and guides to assist you in preparing for the race and leading a better lifestyle.

04. The Fitnessita

The Fitnessista blog is the place to go if you want to keep active and healthy without sacrificing your sense of style. Gina Harney, one of the industry's top health and fitness bloggers, runs a well-designed health and fitness site. You're sure to like the abundance of useful information as well as the tasty healthy recipes for all tastes.

05. Blogilates

Blogilates is an excellent example of one of the well-designed health and fitness blogs. It's mostly targeted at women who are interested in Pilates, but it also offers a great deal of valuable information about healthy foods, weight loss, muscle training, and much more. Cassey Ho, a hugely prominent player in the health business, runs the blog.

That’s all folks. Now, start writing and publish your first blog post!

Create your first post, publish it, and go live with it. Then, for consistency, try by setting a weekly posting target of a specific number of posts. A minimum of one post per week is recommended, with most fitness bloggers aiming for 1-3 articles per week, depending on their topic and content depth. When it comes to traffic and revenue, blogging is a long-term game, therefore the sooner you start producing material and gaining visitors, the quicker you will expand. After you've completed all of these fundamental stages, you would be in a position to learn more about increasing your blog's traffic and other ways to monetize it.

But first, you must get started and we’ve mentioned everything that's all there is to it when it comes to how to start a fitness blog!

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