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How to Make Sense of Your Studio’s KPIs

Vaishnavi Srinath
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Hey there, studio owners. 

Before you scroll away, here are three questions that you must ask yourself:

➡️ Do you know your average class attendance rate without having to dig through reports?
➡️ How many of your clients come back after their first visit?
➡️ Are you clear on your studio’s monthly revenue trends and where your biggest profits come from?

If you had to pause for a second, don’t worry—you’re not alone. And that’s exactly why you should stick around for the next 5 minutes. 

Why Do Studio Owners Often Overlook Performance Metrics?

Let’s be real—digging into performance metrics can feel like wading through mud. Where do you even start? 

At Bookee, we chat with fitness studio owners every day, and guess what? Almost everyone says the same thing: checking performance metrics often gets pushed aside.

With classes to run, clients to keep happy, and staff to manage, who has time to dive into the data?

But here’s the thing—you really do need to take a breather now and then to check your studio’s performance.

Think of it like pulling over during a road trip to make sure you’re still on the right track. Without these check-ins, you might drive your studio in the wrong direction.

That’s exactly why we created Insights—so you can make smart, data-backed decisions and become even better at what you do.

Insights: Your Studio’s Performance at a Glance

Insights is like having a super tool—it turns all those confusing numbers into simple, visual reports: no jargon, no clutter, just clear snapshots of how your studio is doing. 

We designed Insights to cut through the noise, making it simple to focus on the metrics that matter for your studio business.

And we didn’t do it alone—we consulted with hundreds of successful fitness entrepreneurs to make sure Insights highlights the key metrics that truly drive success.

How to Start Looking at Your Studio’s Performance Reports?

First things first, let’s figure out which numbers you should be paying attention to. Here’s a quick cheat sheet:

Metric What to Monitor Why It Matters Example
Class Attendance Rates Average number of attendees per class Helps you figure out if your schedule and staffing are on point If your evening classes are always packed, it might be time to add more sessions during that slot.
Client Retention Number of clients who come back after their first visit Keeps you focused on what makes clients stick around If clients are dropping off after their first visit, it might indicate that their day was not engaging.
Revenue Trends Breakdown of revenue sources—memberships, drop-ins, merchandise Shows you which areas are your biggest moneymakers If memberships are booming, consider doubling down on marketing intro offers.

*Remember that some metrics directly influence your profitability and growth, while others are more peripheral.

How Often Should You Check Your Studio’s KPIs?

Wait.. stop - what’s a KPI?

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a value that shows how well a business is achieving its key objectives. Just a fancy term, not as scary as you thought it would be. 

Okay, let’s move on to what matters…

Keeping tabs on your KPIs is a must if you want your studio to thrive. Breaking them down into daily and monthly check-ins makes it easier to manage your day-to-day operations, spot trends as they pop up, and plan for long-term growth.

If you’re new to this, no worries—spend an extra five minutes going through the steps, and you’ll have a solid grasp of where to start and how to make this a regular habit.

Step 1 - Daily Review

These are the numbers that keep your studio running smoothly every day.

Pro Tip: Checking these at the end of each day lets you make quick adjustments and start the next day strong.

Metric What to Track Why It Matters Insight
Bookings vs. Visits vs. Cancellations How many bookings were made, how many visits happened, and how many cancellations there were High cancellation rates might mean there’s an issue with your class timing or content Use this info to tweak your class schedules, update cancellation policies, or run promos to fill those empty spots
Average Clients per Class How many people are showing up per class Tells you if your classes are popular and if resources are being used well If some classes are always half-empty, maybe it’s time to change the content, timing, or instructor. For the packed ones, consider adding more sessions
Class Fill Rates Percentage of available spots in each class that are filled High fill rates? Fantastic, there’s strong demand. Low? It might need a boost Figure out if you need more sessions for popular classes or if you should change up the low-attendance ones

Step 2 - Monthly Assessment

These are the bigger-picture metrics that help you see the trends and plan strategically.

Pro Tip: Review your KPIs regularly, schedule them consistently, and use the insights to make strategic decisions that will help your studio grow.

Metric What to Track Why It Matters Insight
Revenue per Square Foot Monthly revenue divided by your studio’s square footage A higher number means your space is being used efficiently; a lower number suggests room for improvement If group classes are raking in more money per square foot than your cardio area, it might be worth reallocating some space. And if your lounge area isn’t pulling its weight, why not turn it into a wellness corner?
Revenue Generated by Intro Offers How well your intro offers are turning first-time visitors into regular clients High conversion rates mean you’re doing something right; low rates mean it’s time to refine your approach If your intro offers aren’t leading to long-term clients, work on improving the onboarding experience or add some extra incentives to seal the deal

Tools and Resources for KPI Tracking

Bookee’s Insights is like your studio’s personal data guru. It breaks down all the important stuff into easy-to-read visuals and metrics that actually matter.

Want to see what Insights can do for you? Give it a try and start turning your numbers into meaningful results for your studio.

To help you dive even deeper, check out Lise Kuecker’s 15-minute podcast on the key KPIs every studio should track. Plus, don’t miss our 10-point checklist of essential studio performance indicators that you need to stay on top of.

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