

How To Increase Pole Studio Sales By 36% Using Branded Apps

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Your App is a window that opens into the world of your pole studio, embodying the essence of your studio.

Pole Studios are using branded apps to get a whopping 36% increase in sales increase over a mere span of 2 months.

Yes, you’re reading it right.

It’s not magic but the work of pole-specific features.

rather a series of specially curated features based on your needs.

Here’s how you can also do it.

1. 7x more clicks Announcements!

You can do it in three ways.

The most popular one is a detailed card announcement.

Floating cards that appear on your app homepage.

Whenever a client lands on you app, cards are literally unmissable for them.

Therefore announcements see 7 times more click rate than emails.

There are two supporting announcement features, Banners and Push notifications.

Informing your clients about the studio news and new classes, series, or workshops launched.

2. Promote Special Classes

Special classes deserve special attention. By setting your unique classes as "featured" in your app, you bring them to the forefront.

These featured classes not only appear at the front of your app but also attract more bookings.

Featured classes are 3 times more likely to be filled as compared to other classes.

Think of it as putting a spotlight on your classes and making them shine.

3.  Bring a Friend

People who bring their friends with them are 4x likely to retain with your business.

That is why this becomes very important. You need to enable all your customers to bring in people they want to workout with.

Which in turn will improve your culture and increase retention.

4. Booking and Purchase in one click

Imagine this: a customer wants to book a class or appointment but doesn't have an applicable plan.

They have to exit the booking flow, purchase a plan separately, and then return to book the class.

This increases the chances of users dropping out.

The ones who don’t drop out, assume a booking has been made.

Imagine, your potential client has to leave your studio because their class wasn’t booked.

You can avoid that with book while purchasing.

This not only doubles the new client bookings but also streamline the process.

5. CreditBridge

Picture this scenario: your clients have used up all their credits for the current cycle, and they hit a booking roadblock.

The solution? CreditBridge

This allows your clients to tap into and use credits from their next cycle.

Bookings inevitably go up by 12.7% with CreditBridge


Your branded app is a powerful tool that can significantly boost your pole studio's sales.

  • Announcements increase click rate by 700%
  • Classes featured are 3 times more likely to be Fully booked.
  • Bringing a friend increases your retention 4 times and also brings in more potential clients.
  • Want to double new client bookings? CreditBridge does it for you

By leveraging these pole-specific features, you can make the most of your branded app to take your pole studio to new heights of success.

Features that take your far

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