

How To Become A Certified Yoga Instructor In 6 Steps

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Very other person nowadays is a certified yoga teacher. You might be uncertain how to go about doing this on your own, or whether it's even possible. So, if you're enthusiastic about the practice and want to share your knowledge with others, you could be a good fit. If you decide to become a yoga instructor, you must know that you will need to undertake a yoga teacher training course to further enhance your practice and understanding. We will now talk about 6 steps that can help in becoming a successful and certified yoga instructor.

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Become a certified yoga instructor in just 6 steps!

01. Learn Yoga

You should have a solid understanding of the yoga practice on a personal level before you begin your journey to become a yoga instructor. There are various forms of yoga, and taking courses in each of them will help you figure out which style of yoga best suits your specific tastes. Gentle Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Hot Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Power Yoga, and Sivananda Ashtanga are just a few of the various styles of yoga.

It's crucial to figure out what style appeals to you and whether the demography of the location you want to teach is a suitable match for the style you want to learn. Depending on who your instructor is and where the class is held, the way each style is taught may also differ.

To help you identify your suitable practice and teaching style, you should try several different forms of yoga taught by different instructors in different locations. You may ask for the assistance of your current yoga instructor to serve as your mentor and guide you through the process of choosing a style.

02. Undertake a complete training program

The next step is to enroll yourself in a yoga instructor training program at a licensed yoga school that adheres to the Yoga Alliance's requirements. There are two levels of yoga teacher training programs available. A 200-hour certification program is the first level, while a 500-hour certification program is the second. A 500-hour yoga instructor certification may be obtained to learn more advanced methods and to integrate yoga practice and philosophy into daily life for the rest of one's life, while a 500-hour yoga instructor certification provides for even greater progress, including the training of new yoga instructors.

Your goals post earning the yoga instructor certification might help you figure out which program a level is best for you. Physiology, anatomy, yoga philosophy, and instructional approaches are all covered in both levels of the curriculum.

You may choose to pursue yoga instructor certification in a specialty field in addition to the normal yoga instructor training programs. Both certified children's yoga teachers and registered pregnant yoga instructors, for example, are specialty certificates. These certifications may be useful if you know you want to work with a certain demographic, such as youngsters or pregnant women.

03. Get registered through RYT

The registered yoga teacher certification is a globally recognized certification that verifies that you have completed the Yoga Alliance's minimal criteria of yoga training. To obtain your RYT certification, you must finish a 200-hour recognized yoga school training program and pay a $50 registration fee as well as your yearly dues of $65. You may upgrade your yoga instructor certification to the RCYT and RPYT specialty designations for an extra $50 application fee.

Although some employers do not require RYT certification, having one will provide you with a wider range of prospects as well as the following advantages:

  • A certification that is recognized all across the world
  • You'll have access to free online sessions to keep your training up-to-date.
  • Inclusion in the RYT Directory, which provides you with a public profile that you may share to promote yourself.
  • Invitations to community activities in the region that are connected to your niche.
  • Subscriptions include access to informative yoga-related periodicals, as well as discounts on yoga-related items and services such as clothes, insurance, and business software

04. Become CPR certified for brownie points

You will most likely need to be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, generally known as "CPR," if you wish to teach at a health or fitness facility. Instructors in health and fitness clubs are normally required to be CPR certified in order to guarantee that they have the fundamental skills needed to respond to a medical emergency.

05. Start teaching yoga!

You're now ready to start teaching your own yoga classes. You may begin by giving yoga sessions and programs to your friends, family, and other network connections in your house or town. It's important to establish yourself as a professional and charge a fee for your courses when hosting these events. You may also start teaching lessons at local yoga studios, gyms, and other fitness facilities, as well as local restaurants.

06. Keep your certifications up-to-date

To maintain your yoga instructor certification, you'll need to complete continuing education courses and pay your annual dues for renewal. To keep your CPR certification updated, you may need to complete continuing education or renewal coursework.

What would the 200-hour program include?

Now that we know the entire procedure, let's deep dive into the major part of training for 200 hour hours and why is it 200 hours.

In a 200-hour yoga course, you will not only practice but also study in-depth yoga postures, including how to execute them correctly based on your physical ability. You will practice yoga for at least two hours each day so that you can fully understand the mechanics of the postures and their results subsequently. Your physical strength and health will also improve during the training.

Anatomy and physiology, as well as how they relate to yoga, will be covered in the program. The advantages and disadvantages of the stances will be examined. The study of alignment in poses comes into play if your physical practice is linked with your understanding of anatomy and physiology. As we practice yoga for health, this is a critical component of any yoga teacher training program so that you don't injure yourself.

There will also be seminars on philosophical elements of yoga that would be based on Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga. Yoga is about learning to live in harmony with ourselves and others, and throughout these philosophy sessions, you will be asked many questions about how you have been living and what changes you would like to see in your life.

Then there's Pranayama, which is a breathing technique (breathing techniques). This is an important phase on the path to Samadhi (Divine Union). Your breathing has an impact on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As a result, it's critical to learn and understand effective Pranayama techniques.

You will be immersed in yoga throughout the training. This is beneficial not just to you, but also to others: you can only teach what you genuinely understand. The trainers will instruct you along the way on how to assess and adjust people into the postures, which may include the use of objects or verbal prompts.

In the end, 200 hours would feel less! The learning process, like everything else in life, does not end there. In fact, after completing a yoga instructor certification course, you will learn that this is just the beginning of your adventure. Some graduates may feel inclined to assist with certain groups after finishing a 200-hour course. Other extension courses, such as kids' yoga and pre-natal yoga, are offered to help with this. These programs are generally only a few weeks long.

How much does it cost to become a certified yoga instructor?

Online YTT might cost as little as $375. For on-site, you can pay as little as $1,500 USD or as much as $20,000 USD.

This is dependent on the program's particular logistics, such as duration, location, and accommodation. You won't have to pay extra money for hotel or travel if you're doing a training program nearby. The yoga certification cost of a one-month intensive course abroad is determined by the kind of accommodation (five-star hotel or budget hotel) as well as the program's location.

How long does it take to become a yoga instructor?

A  yoga instructor's journey begins, even before enrolling in a yoga training certification program. Prior to enrolling in a 200-hour program, it is desirable to have better to be on a regular yoga practice. This way, your body will be reasonably prepared for the physical challenge, and your mind will be prepared with an understanding of the asanas and what happens in class. Is there anything you can do to better prepare yourself for a YTTC?

Completing a 200-hour program is the first formal step toward becoming a certified yoga instructor. If you want to keep going and become a 500-hour RYT, you can enroll further in a 300-hour course.

For a few months, you should be able to help a senior yoga teacher. Learning directly from someone can undoubtedly accelerate your route to mastery.

In other words, there is no set period by which you will become a yoga instructor after 'x' amount of time. Yoga is a very hands-on practice and the more experience you have with it–whether it's with asanas, philosophy, or meditation–the more prepared you'll be to teach it.

Will a certification make you a great yoga teacher?

Most people are surprised when they learn how little they know after completing a yoga instructor training course. Yes, teacher education will offer you a wealth of information, but it is only the beginning.

There are some renowned yoga instructors out there without any formal training but where does all this magic come from if they didn't undergo any official training?

You must show constant dedication to learning yoga by attending seminars, performing and practicing study, and reading books if you want to be a great yoga instructor. But, most significantly, you'll have to learn from your mistakes. Yoga is much more than just asanas; it encompasses all aspects of life. It also encompasses the spiritual and philosophical worlds. No organization would be able to certify your spiritual development. You are solely responsible for this.

It takes a lot of expertise on your end to be able to guide your students through a class and communicate exactly what is going on—which area of the body is feeling what, how to get into the posture, and so on. Here’s a comprehensive guide if you're thinking about starting your own yoga studio after you've earned your yoga instructor certification. And when you’re starting out, you might want to fill your classes with students. We've got you covered for that also. Read this article for some effective tactics,

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