
Product Updates

What's New In Bookee? | September 2022

Kovil Singh
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September is here, and with it comes a host of exciting updates to our product line. We've been working hard to bring you the best possible experience, and these latest improvements are sure to enhance your use of our product. From new features to performance boosts, there's a lot to be excited about.

Add to Google Calendar!

In emails, you can now add a button which will allow customers to add the event to their Google calendar!

The button can be added by clicking on 'Add' to calendar in the email editor!

Add Recurring Classes from Calendar!

We heard you! If you follow a schedule for classes which is not standard as per the schedule which has been set up. For example -

  1. You want to create a class but end it after certain occurrences.
  2. You have a class which changes time slots after a month.
  3. Or many other use cases!

Please note :

  1. This creates events which are not linked to your standard schedule.
  2. Changes to these events do not affect your standard schedule.
  3. You need to have set up classes with instructors in the set-up before adding a class here.

Discount Codes will auto-default to uppercase

Discount codes have been standardized across our CRM and customer apps and will now only be set up in uppercase automatically. When a user is inputting a code even in small case the app will change it to CAPS. We wanted to standardize the process!

New Feature! Stripe Card Reader!

You can now use a Stripe card reader for physical payments!

You can order your card reader from here.

Already own a reader? Register your reader here.

Please note :

  1. Subscriptions are not supported yet! We are working with stripe for the same!
  2. We only support BBPOS WisePOS™ E reader at this time.
  3. You need to set up location in your stripe account!

Cancellation fee can be charged for early cancellations!

We are pleased to announce a new feature that allows you to charge your customers for early cancellations. This feature gives you more control over your business and allows you to recoup some of the costs associated with cancellations.

Customers need not enter card details when purchasing free pricing options!

Customers were having issues where they had to add a card to file even then they were purchasing a trial pack or a free pack (with a 100% discount). Now, they do not have to add a card and the purchase (if it is $0/€0/CHF 0) can be completed easily.

Website design updates for pricing 🎊

We realized that our pricing page had a few issues, so we decided to revamp our pricing pages so that your customers have more information when they come to buy a pricing option, as well as solves a few design problems related to texts!

Credits from previous cycle can be refunded into the current cycle

Sometimes end users book classes/appointments in the future, as we allow the clients to set up their subscriptions in such a way. In the case of subscriptions, there would be instances where the class is cancelled, or the end user cancels the class for free, but the cycle of their credits has renewed. Previously, such credits were lost for the end user, now the credits will be refunded back to the current cycle of Subscriptions! This ensures that you don't have to manually reconcile credits for your users. This is a setting which can be set up for a pricing option.

Better visualization of credit usage across cycles for each customer

Subscriptions and credit usage across multiple cycles never went together in our case, so we decided to fix it! Now, it is very easy to navigate through different cycles of subscriptions, which helps you in any reconciliation effort for your customers!

Override labels for customer facing portals!

You can now edit the labels for different services of your business under the CRM design settings if you wish to use alternate terms!

This feature gives you more control over the language and terminology used in your portals, allowing you to better match your branding and messaging.

Head over to Settings → Design Settings to find out more.

In conclusion, we couldn't be more thrilled about the new features we've released for Bookee this September! We hope you're as excited as we are about these new updates and can't wait to see how they'll benefit your business.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team with any questions at

We love your feedback! Please email us at 😄

Coming Up Next ! 🚀

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