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A Simple Guide To Balance Your Chakras

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You've probably heard about chakras and the function they play in the flow of energy in your body if you've ever taken a yoga or meditation class, had an energy healing treatment like reiki, or simply watched web videos about such subjects.

You may have also learned that keeping your chakras open, or unblocked, is essential. But what are the seven chakras on the human body? What significance do they have for us? We'll take a closer look at your key chakras in this article. We'll also go over how these energy centers affect your mind and body, as well as how to maintain the "open" to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

What are chakras?

The word "chakra" means "wheel" in Sanskrit, and it relates to our body's energy centers. Our vital energy, or prana shakti, runs through seven chakras or energy centers in the human body. These energy channels can become clogged, resulting in disease and disruptions in the body's normal activities. Understanding what each chakra represents and what we can do to maintain this energy flowing smoothly is critical. When the chakras are balanced, this is feasible. These spinning energy wheels correspond to specific nerve regions. Your chakras must be open, or balanced, to function optimally. You may feel physical or emotional symptoms relating to a specific chakra if it becomes blocked. Along your spine, there are seven major chakras. They begin at the base of your spine and reach the top of your head. However, other people claim that the human body contains at least 114 distinct chakras.

The 7 chakras in the human body

Let’s find out what the seven chakras are in the human body and organs, and how to set it right by balancing the chakras with yoga asana or poses.

  • Muladhara Chakra
  • Swadishthana Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Ajna Chakra
  • Sahasrara Chakra

1. Muladhara Chakra

Element: Earth

Location: Base of the spine between the anus and genitals 

How it affects the body: The health of the bones, teeth, nails, anus, prostate, adrenals, kidneys, lower digestive functions, excretory functions, and sexual activity are all influenced by the Muladhara Chakra. Tiredness, poor sleep, lower back pain, sciatica, constipation, depression, immune-related illnesses, obesity, and eating disorders are all symptoms of a chakra imbalance.

2. Swadishthana Chakra

Element: Water

Location: Situated at the base of the pubis between the genitals  and the sacral nerve plexus

How it affects the body: The Swadishthana Chakra is concerned with a person's emotional identity, creativity, desire, pleasure, and self-gratification, as well as procreation and intimate relationships. The sexual organs, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine, and autoimmune system are all controlled by this chakra. An unbalanced Swadishthana Chakra leads to lower back pain, sciatica, decreased libido, pelvic pain, urinary problems, poor digestion, low resistance to infection and viruses, tiredness, hormonal imbalances, and menstrual problems.

3. Manipura Chakra

Element: Fire

Location: At the level of the umbilicus corresponding to the gastric or solar plexus 

How it affects the body: The Manipura Chakra is responsible for a person's sense of belonging, mental understanding of emotions, and self-esteem. The upper abdomen, gallbladder, liver, middle spine, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, and stomach are all governed by it. Diabetes, pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon disorders, stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, anorexia/bulimia, and low blood pressure can all be caused by an unbalanced Manipura Chakra.

4. Anahata Chakra

Element: Air

Location: On the cardiac plexus in the region of the heart

How it affects the body: The social identity of a person is influenced by the Anahata Chakra, which governs attributes like trust, forgiveness, unconditional love, wisdom, compassion, and issues of the soul. The heart, rib cage, blood, circulatory system, lungs and diaphragm, thymus gland, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, and hands are all covered. Thoracic spine disorders, upper back and shoulder problems, asthma, heart abnormalities, shallow breathing, and lung diseases can all be caused by an imbalance.

5. Vishuddhi Chakra

Element: Sound or Ether

Location: On the level of the throat, the nerve plexus of the pharynx region

How it affects the body: Communication, creativity, faith, truthfulness, self-awareness, and expression are all dealt with by the Vishuddhi Chakra. It governs the trachea, cervical vertebrae, vocal cords, neck and shoulders, arms, hands, esophagus, mouth, teeth, and gums, as well as the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Thyroid difficulties, sore throats, stiff necks, mouth ulcers, gum or tooth problems, laryngitis, and hearing impairments are all symptoms of an imbalanced Vishuddhi Chakra.

6. Ajna Chakra

Element: Light

Location: Between the eyebrows (third eye)

How it affects the body: Self-awareness, knowledge, intellect, clairvoyance, idea implementation, detachment, insight, understanding, and intuitive reasoning are all aspects of the Ajna Chakra. The brain, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, pineal glands, and neurological system are all controlled by it. Headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, learning impairments, panic, melancholy, blindness, deafness, seizures, or spinal dysfunctions can all result from an imbalance.

7. Sahasrara Chakra

Element: Conscience

Location: Crown of the head

How it affects the body: The Sahasrara Chakra has an impact on intuitive understanding, spirituality, mind-body-spirit integration, and conscious consciousness. It oversees the brain, neurological system, and pineal gland, as well as the center of the head and midline above the ears. Chronic tiredness and sensitivity to light and sound are symptoms of a Sahasrara Chakra imbalance.

Symptoms of blocked chakras

Energy may flow easily through our bodies and minds when our major seven chakras are open and balanced. When any of these energy centers become blocked, stagnation occurs, which can lead to a variety of physical and spiritual problems. Signs that your chakras are out of balance include Problems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, and immune system, degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, constipation, stress, sexual and reproductive health issues, inability to express emotion or desire. 

Tips to balance the chakras

Fortunately, taking care of and developing our chakras may assist us in overcoming these obstacles, bringing greater success and stability into our lives, and allowing our energy to flow freely.

A little self-exploration into our feelings and unintentionally spoken things can reveal which chakras are blocked and affecting our exterior reality. The chakras must be balanced, unblocked, and strengthened.

1. Guided Meditation

It can be beneficial to step outside of your thoughts and have someone else lead you through meditation. Many are available on YouTube and Spotify! Look for a guided meditation that is specifically designed to cleanse and balance the chakras, such as this one.

2. De-stress

Nature's health advantages are extensively recognized. You not only have the power to reduce tension and anxiety, increase memory, concentration, creativity, and more when you are outside, but you also ground yourself, which has inner therapeutic advantages. To ground yourself, stay grounded, and let the power of nature restore equilibrium to your chakras, try walking barefoot and walking or sitting on the grass.

3. Breathing

Deep belly breathing is a good place to start because it is one of the simplest ways to rebalance your chakras. Deep breathing can help to rejuvenate your chakras. Inhale and focus on directing all of the breath's energy to the chosen chakra, then exhale and allow consciousness and understanding to sink into the chakra.

These were few things you can apply in your life to unclog and balance your chakras. 'Chakra' is part of an ancient Indian yogic science, now many modern research are actually agreeing with it.

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